The Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics Letters (IJAPLett) is a peer reviewed journal of high quality devoted to the publication of original research letters from applied physics and their broad range of applications. IJAPLett publishes quality original research letters in physics and its applications in the broadest sense. It is intended that the journal may act as an interdisciplinary forum for physics and its applications. Innovative applications and material that brings together diverse areas of physics are particularly welcome. IJAPLett aims to disseminate knowledge; provide a learned reference in the field; and establish channels of communication between academic and research experts, policy makers and executives in industry, commerce and investment institutions. IJAPLett is a quarterly specialized periodical dedicated to publishing original letters in: Alternative & Renewable Energy, Applied Mechanics & Thermodynamics, Applied Optics & Optical Design, Biophysics & Bioengineering, Cryptography & Applications, Electromagnetic Fields, Electronic Materials & Devices, Energy Generation & Conversion, Fluids Physics & Mechanics, Imaging, Microscopy & Spectroscopy, Laser Physics & Applications, Magnetism & Applications, Instrumentation, Measurements & Metrology, Nanostructures & Applications, Nonlinear & Ultrafast Optics, Nuclear Physics & Engineering, Optical Communications & Systems, Optoelectronics Devices & Applications, Organic Materials, Devices & Applications, Physical Chemistry & Biochemistry, Plasma, Discharge Physics & Applications, Quantum Physics & Spectroscopy, RF & Digital Communications, Semiconductors & Devices, Simulation & Modeling Research, Solar Energy & Devices, Solid State Physics & Applications, Structure & Properties of Matter, Superconductivity & Related Devices, Surfaces, Interfaces & Films, Thin Films & Applications, and Vacuum Science & Technology.